Category Archives: Headlines

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

33% of us keep this little secret to ourselves… the shame of public knowledge would be too much. What is it? MORE

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

20% of us do this… knowing it’s the right thing for us… but hoping we don’t get caught. What is it? MORE

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

Nearly 85% of us do this… just to make sure… we have our bases covered. What is it? MORE

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

Over 70% of us are bothered by this… but we don’t say anything because we know it won’t make a difference. What is it? MORE

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

20% of us say that despite the warnings… we would do this. What is it? MORE

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

Tom’s Tricky Trivia

55% of us do this very timely thing. We make the appointment…and we keep it! What is it? MORE