This is my first home with a window well and I have discovered I need to regularly check it for animals. I know, I know- the first thing you’ll say is “get one of those things to cover it so animals don’t get in”. It has a reinforced grate over it for safety but the frogs love to hop on down in there between the grate spaces. A few weeks ago I went down with my step daughter (who is a little afraid of the unfinished basement still) and we found the BIGGEST frog in there. The closer I got the more frogs I saw. So I climbed down with a bucket and rescued every one of those bad boys and sent them on their way.
I check once in a while to make sure nothing living fell in and those frogs have learned their lessons I believe. This weekend we were laughing because these bunnies were all over our lawn, messing with my dog Marbles, and what I later I realized was that they were trying to keep him away from the side of the house where the window well was. The other bunny was sitting nearby watching because the baby bunny had fallen in and was down there munching on some grass. I grabbed a kitchen towel, climbed in and despite its wishes rescued it lol. It took some herding to get it closer to its mom who was waiting nearby but another successful window rescue. -Nikki