Leonardo DiCaprio is under Twitter fire after posting this push for people to eat more Beyond Meat because it’s better for the environment:
Every single person can help the planet and reduce climate change with one small choice every week. Join me and @BeyondMeat in our mission to rethink the future of food. #BeyondMeatPartner pic.twitter.com/Fgt1qSkIbm
— Leonardo DiCaprio (@LeoDiCaprio) March 4, 2021
And the people are bringing out their pitchforks about it because Leo isn’t a stranger to a private jet or a boat, that no-doubt pollute the earth and the air.
These all you on private jets and massive yachts? pic.twitter.com/7RMSI3j4FO
— NO YOU SHUT UP! (@RichardCasey) March 4, 2021
Oopsy daisy.
You probably do more damage jetting around the world lol
— Stanley (@Stanley69450533) March 4, 2021
Anotha one.
I find it kind of gross that Leo urges his millions of fans to go vegan when he isn't even vegan himself. (I remember seeing just in December a waitress tweeted he ordered a bacon sandwich where she worked) and then there's the yachts and jets ofcourse.
— meechi (@cloudmountainer) March 5, 2021
There’s a lot here. I’m interested to see how Leo will respond to this pushback.