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Irish Prankster Grandpa Gets Final Laugh At His Funeral [Video]

The funeral of a beloved grandpa is going viral after he pranked his mourners. Shay Bradley was known for playing jokes on his family while he was alive and funeral goers should have expected nothing less after he died. As the casket was being lowered into the ground and the bagpipes started to play suddenly you start to hear him calling out, banging on the casket, saying “let me out of here!”.  Turns out, according to BoredPanda.comthe recording was done about a year earlier and Bradley gave it to a family member for when he passed.  Thankfully it only took a moment for the people at the funeral to recognize Shay’s final joke and they laughed along while the clips played. Find the whole video below!

Irish Man Pre-Records Message To Play At His Funeral, Leaves Mourners In Tears Of Laughter

